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(1)這是美國National Association of Marine Laboratories於2022年12/12日發表的立場聲明,《基於科學立場 反對日本從福島核電廠災區排放核污染水到太平洋》.原文可見於參考[1].
(2)文中提到雖然日本政府與東京電力公司強調,這些核廢水將經過 先進液體處理系統 ALPS處理,過濾多種放射性物質後,符合國際標準後再行排放大海。但是畢竟這是一次前所未有的大規模排放,存在著未知之數。尤其是日本政府對於《先進液體處理系統 ALPS》技術處理能力過於樂觀,並且長達30年的排放對ALPS過濾系統的可靠性是一大考驗。
(3)ALPS特別檢視東京電力公司在核電安全方面 屢有隱瞞虛報和篡改紀錄的紀錄,前科纍纍。2002年爆出東電近20年裏篡改或偽造核電廠安全檢查紀錄29份,董事長及總裁等高層宣布辭職;2007年東電承認自1977年起在福島第一、第二核電站等199次例行檢查中篡改檢測數據,隱瞞反應堆故障;2021年亦被爆隱瞞ALPS濾網破損。


[1]NAML Position Paper:Scientific opposition to Japan’s planned release of over 1.3 million tons of
radioactively contaminated water from the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster into the Pacific Ocean.
https://www.naml.org/policy/documents/2022-12-12 Position Paper, Release of Radioactively Contaminated Water into the Ocean.pdf TEPCO Unreliable
【ALPS 與東京電力公司 從來都不可靠】
【ALPS and TEPCO have proven to be unreliable 】


鈷-60 (半衰期5年)
銫-137 (半衰期30年)
碘-129 (半衰期1,570萬年)

不過,根據日本「ALPS小組委員會」報告顯示,132萬噸核污水經過ALPS 處理後,居然有73%的廢水放射性物質合量超標,東電美其名污水會作「二次處理」,但至今未有進一步數據。




美國海洋實驗室協會 (The U.S. National Association of Marine Laboratories),一個由100多個成員實驗室組成的組織發表立場文件,指日本缺乏足夠準確的科學數據支持排放核污水的安全性,相反有大量數據顯示釋放放射性污水存在嚴重隱憂,促請日本政府停止排污計劃,並與更廣泛的科學界別合作。

The crucial step in the Fukushima wastewater release is the operation of advanced liquid processing system (ALPS) to treat the nuclear waste. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) claims that all radioactive substances, except for tritium, can be completely removed from the wastewater, including:

- Cobalt-60 (half-life of 5 years)
- Strontium-90 (half-life of 29 years)
- Cesium-137 (half-life of 30 years)
- Carbon-14 (half-life of 5,730 years)
- Iodine-129 (half-life of 15.7 million years)

However, according to a report by the ALPS Subcommittee in Japan, 73% of the treated wastewater, out of 1.32 million tons, still exceeded the acceptable levels of radioactive substances. TEPCO claimed that the wastewater would undergo "secondary treatment," but no further data has been provided thus far.

Furthermore, ALPS has faced numerous issues since its operation. In 2016, the system was found to have four leaks. In 2018, the Japanese Kyodo News revealed that radioactive elements such as iodine and cesium in the "treated water" exceeded the permissible limits. In 2021, over half of the ALPS filters were found to be damaged, despite having been replaced just two years before.

TEPCO itself has a history of concealing and falsifying records regarding nuclear power plant safety. In 2002, it was revealed that TEPCO had tampered with or fabricated safety inspection records for nearly 20 years, leading to the resignation of top executives. In 2007, TEPCO admitted to falsifying inspection data in 199 instances since 1977 at Fukushima Daiichi and Daini nuclear power plants, concealing reactor malfunctions.

In 2021, it was exposed that TEPCO had concealed the damage to ALPS filters. In October 2022, Tokyo Shimbun reported that TEPCO misled visitors with faulty radiation measurement devices to prove the safety of the "ALPS-treated water."

The U.S. National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML), an organization composed of over 100 member laboratories, published a position paper stating that Japan lacks sufficient accurate scientific data to support the safety of releasing nuclear wastewater. On the contrary, ample data indicates serious concerns regarding the release of radioactive wastewater. NAML urged the Japanese government to halt the discharge plan and collaborate with a broader scientific community.


#日本 #核廢水 #核污染 #福島核電站 #福島
#japan #radioactive #fish #powerplant #fukushima #nuclearpower
#saveouroceans #saynotodumping
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