

As President, what strategy would you employ to address China's recent ongoing negotiations
with Havana about setting up a joint military training facility in Cuba?
Do you know how many military bases we have surrounding China?
313. Americans need to wake up. It is a different world. We have about 750 military installations
in 80 countries. The fact that other countries are saying, you're going to do that to us,
we're going to start doing it to you. That's the world that we live in now. It's a new day.
You can't just go around telling people what to do. And there are enough military installations
that should not exist that are American in the world and that I would want to close.
They don't like the fact that we have so much going on in the South China Sea.
Just like we don't like that they might be coming to Cuba. It's called a negotiation.
That's the world today. The rest of the world is looking at Iraq.
The rest of the world is looking at the last 20 years in Afghanistan.
And do you think that they see China as a greater military threat to global security
or the United States as a greater military threat to global security?
There was a time when America could just go around doing whatever we wanted.
And we squandered our military authority by doing that. We squandered our moral authority
by doing that. We squandered our safety by doing that. We squandered the lives of our own men and
women and people around the world by doing that. And at this point we have to step back,
become far more humble. We can't continue to look at the world as everybody as an enemy.
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